::  C o n t e n t  ::
Basic information
The obligatory subjects
The voluntary subjects
Department of Quality Management, FMMI, VSB-TU Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava - Poruba, Tel.: +420 596 994 214, Fax: +420 596 994 218
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The PhD study in the branch of study “Quality Management”

Basic information

This study was acredited by Czech Ministry of Education in 1997 at VSB-Technical University Ostrava. It is covered by the Department of Quality Management.

Two types of PhD study study exist:

  • the internal PhD study,
  • the external PhD study.

For foreigners is only external type of study available without any extra fee but total expenditure connected with study (travelling, material, overhead,etc.)must be paid by PhD student.

An official written application (by standard letter) must be sent by applicant to our dean office till the end of February (full address: VSB-TU Ostrava, Faculty of Metallurgy and Material Engineering, dean office, Ms. Ivana Pišalová, Tr. 17. listopadu, CZ 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Rep.).
This application must contain minimally:

  • personal data (including contact address, fax, etc.),
  • name of branch PhD of study (i.e. Quality Management)
  • type of study (internal/external).

Every applicant is invited to the entrance talk (no exam!) which is usually held in June. A positive result of this talk can be a recommendation for PhD study here.

The internal type of PhD study takes usually three years, the external one five years. Every student works under supervisor´s leadership. The supervisor and student will work out study plan that must include:

  • minimally six special subjetc´s exams,
  • a theme of dissertation thesis,
  • the content of state doctoral exam,
  • the study schedule.

The obligatory subjects

Foreign language90
Theory of Probability and Statistics60
Quality Management Systems48
Technology (the branch of technology can be chosen by student)48

The voluntary subjects

Special Statistical Methods48
Quality Planning48
Quality and Human Factor32
Design of Experiments48
Metrology and Testing32
Reliability 48
Computer aided Quality32
Testing and Certification48
Environmental Management48
Operational Management40

Every student must pass through exams of all obligatory subjects and through minimally two voluntary subjects.

The last two years of study are devoted to working on dissertation thesis. This thesis should bring a new methods, approaches and theoretical models of course. Every thesis must be then successfully defenced against special viva board what is necessary condition for PhD title granting.

Note: Don´t hesitate to contact us for more detailed information!

Copyright © 2003 Department of Quality Management.Webmasters: Ing. David Vykydal