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   Update: 1. 7. 2003
   MAIN TOPICS 1. 7. 2003     
1. Plenary session in which was presented required papers of these subjects:

- contributions and risks of accession of the Czech Republic to the EU for enterprises sphere,
- Czech industry readiness for the accession to the EU,
- competition ability of industrial enterprises in Northern Moravia and Silesian region.
Session chairman: Prof. Ing. Emilie Krausová, CSc.
2. Parallel programme in two sessions intent on the newest instruments and approaches to raise competition ability in areas:

- Financial Management of Enterprise - suggested topics are decision-making on utilization of property and recourses for financing and safeguarding payment ability and rising market price of enterprise.
Session chairman: Doc. Ing. Miroslav Stibor, CSc.
- Logistics Management of Enterprise - suggested topics are modern approach, systems and techniques used in proposing and putting in practice the enterprise logistics.
Session chairman: Prof. Ing. Ivo Janík, CSc.
Department of Economics and Management in Metallurgy © 2003, All rights reserved