Conference Programme (pdf)
- Plenary session – key papers on developments, changes in transforming economies and their impact were presented in the session. Plenary speakers:
- Budkevich, A.G., Kostuhin Y.Y.: Puti povyšenija efektivnosti vzaimodějstvija gosudarstva i korporacii v Rossijskoj Federacii (Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys)
- Ciahotná, J.: BSC v praxi (Financial Director - TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY, a.s.)
- Hladík, T.: Transformace ŽDB, a.s. po úspěšném ukončení soudního vyrovnání (Financial Director - ŽDB, a.s.)
- Pantůčková, J.: Platební styk bez hranic - projekt vytváření SEPA (Executive Vice President for Operations - Komerční banka, a.s.)
- Raab, J.: Aktuální problematika hutnictví České republiky (Executive Director - Hutnictví železa, a.s.)
- Staněk, J.: Vybrané aspekty transformace českých hutí (Chief Executive Officer - OSINEK, a.s.)
Programme guarantor: prof. Ing. Emilie Krausová, CSc. |
- Financial Management of Enterprise (oral or poster presentations) – the session programme was focused on mutual exchange of experiences between academical workplaces and companies practice; the object of the session is to support application of the latest tools and approaches in order to increase a company competitiveness. Accepted papers.
Programme guarantor: doc. Ing. Miroslav Stibor, CSc. |
- Logistics Management of Enterprise (oral or poster presentations) - the session programme was focused on introduction and presentation of advanced techniques and systems applied in proposals and implemetations of enterprise logistics. Accepted papers.
Programme guarantor: prof. Ing. Ivo Janík, CSc. |
Department of Economics and Management in Metallurgy © 2004, All rights reserved |