615 - Katedra analytické chemie a zkoušení materiálu
616 - Katedra ochrany životního prostředí v průmyslu
617 - Katedra chemie
618 - Katedra metalurgie
619 - Katedra fyzikální chemie a teorie technologických pochodů
632 - Katedra slévárenství
633 - Katedra tváření materiálu
635 - Katedra tepelné techniky
636 - Katedra materiálového inženýrství
637 - Katedra neželezných kovů, rafinace a recyklace
638 - Katedra automatizace a počítačové techniky v metalurgii
639 - Katedra kontroly a řízení jakosti
EkF........... - Ekonomická fakulta
FAST... - Stavební fakulta
FS.................. - Strojní fakulta
FEI............ - Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky
HGF......... - Hornicko-geologická fakulta
FMMI.. - Fakulta metalurgie a materuálového inženýrství
FBI............ - Fakulta bezpečnostního inženýrství
  Science & research activities

R&D activities of the department are particularly oriented toward metallurgy, chemistry and machine-building, namely then to:
  • Strategic management and competitiveness of companies under conditions of economical globalisation (analytical studies).
  • Production management. Organization of production. Supply, production and distribution logistics. Analysis of materials flow and its control based on logistics principles. Servicing processes (transportation, maintaining, and power supply) in logistics chains.
  • Economic and managerial informatics. Application of exact methods in decision making processes. Computer-aided support of decision making processes. Evaluation of software products reliability.
  • Financial management and in-house economic management (control). Economic diagnostics. Investment activities effectiveness.
  • Human resource management. Motivation, stimulation, employees' remuneration.
In the above mentioned areas the department offers services to industrial practice in the form of consulting, analyses, expert examinations and projects as well as monothematic, encyclopaedic, retraining and innovative training courses.

The most significant R&D activities realized by the department in 1998 - 2007 were:
  • Participation in the pilot project on the restructuring of the Czech metallurgical industry for the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade (for EU) - its economic part.
  • Cooperation in solution of the company project of TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY, a.s. title "Logistics of production and distrubution stages".
  • Co-solving participation in the project No. 402/98/0204 of the Czech Science Foundation titled "Methodology of simulation and optimisation of production-distribution networks."
  • Co-solving participation in the project No. 106/02/0487 of the Czech Science Foundation titled "Proposition of systems for costs monitoring in iron-foundries with the use of cost models".
  • Solving participation in the project of the Czech Science Foundation titled "Application of artificial intelligence in the logistics of industrial plants in the North Moravian and Silesian region"
  • Expert examination for the Office for the Protection of Competition of the Czech Republic regarding the government provision for the support of the company VÍTKOVICE, a.s.
  • Analysis and proposition of optimization model structure of the charge and TROP process technology for the company Třinecké železárny a. s.
  • Introductory project of information strategy for the company VÍTKOVICE, a.s.
  • Analysis and proposal of solution of logistics - production - trading processes and implementation of the advanced planning system in the company VÍTKOVICE STEEL, a.s.
  • Output analysis of the KJT index unit in the company TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY, a.s.
  • Economic evaluation of natural gas utilization in the conditions of the company VPO - Severomoravská plynárenská, a.s.
  • Co-solving participation in the project of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) No. 564: Integrated project for increase of expert and pedagogical level of scientific-pedagogical workers of VSB - TU Ostrava (development programmes of MEYS).
  • Solving participation in the project of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) No. 408: Implementation of multimedia forms of education of economic-managerial subjects in newly accredited bachelor and on-going master study programmes of VSB - TU Ostrava (development programmes of MEYS).
  • Elaboration of expert's statement on investment incentives for a company operating in the area of drawn wires and in the market with drawn, peeled and ground steel products - the Office for the Protection of Competition of the Czech Republic.
  • Evaluation of prices of basic raw materials used for the production of pig iron and stochastic forecast for the forthcoming period - VÍTKOVICE STEEL a.s.
  • Co-solving participation in the project in the frame of Operational programme Human resource development No. CZ.04.1.03/ "Logistics academy".
    e-mail: marta.nemcova@vsb.cz, tel.: +420 59732 1267, fax: +420 59732 5166
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