615 - Katedra analytické chemie a zkoušení materiálu
616 - Katedra ochrany životního prostředí v průmyslu
617 - Katedra chemie
618 - Katedra metalurgie
619 - Katedra fyzikální chemie a teorie technologických pochodů
632 - Katedra slévárenství
633 - Katedra tváření materiálu
635 - Katedra tepelné techniky
636 - Katedra materiálového inženýrství
637 - Katedra neželezných kovů, rafinace a recyklace
638 - Katedra automatizace a počítačové techniky v metalurgii
639 - Katedra kontroly a řízení jakosti
EkF........... - Ekonomická fakulta
FAST... - Stavební fakulta
FS.................. - Strojní fakulta
FEI............ - Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky
HGF......... - Hornicko-geologická fakulta
FMMI.. - Fakulta metalurgie a materuálového inženýrství
FBI............ - Fakulta bezpečnostního inženýrství
  History of the department

The new economical - engineering faculty was established in the year 1953 at the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava. Originally the faculty had two key departments - the department of economics and management in mining and the department of economics and management in metallurgy.

Both departments were accredited for new study branches: Mining economics and Metallurgical economics. Already then the profile of the graduates of the branch Metallurgical economics (as well as graduates of the Mining economics) combined the technical and engineering principles with methodical knowledge from the area of economics, organization and control of industrial - metallurgical production.

The department of economics and management in metallurgy ensured education of practically all disciplines of the new branch and at the same time it provided education in economical subjects such as Basics of economics and Industrial production control for all study branches at the faculty of metallurgy and for some time also at the faculty of mechanical engineering of VSB - TU Ostrava. The department has continued in the mentioned pedagogical activities also after the year 1959 when the economical - engineering faculty was cancelled.

The department has become a part of the present faculty of metallurgy and materials engineering and its study branch has been involved among wide range of the faculty study branches. The academic title of the branch graduates "engineer-economist" was replaced by the title "engineer".

The basic concept of the branch which combines technical and economical - managerial education and aims on education of economists with managerial abilities and technical knowledge has continued in the next years, and also after the year 1989 when the Czech economical and political situation changed and the economy was transformed into the market economy.

The study branch is presently called Economics and management in industry.
    e-mail: marta.nemcova@vsb.cz, tel.: +420 59732 1267, fax: +420 59732 5166
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